Friday, October 21, 2011


Second Foundation- 1-150
War and Peace 1-50

Style Mapping Picks

In contrast to Stardust, Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian suggest a low energy, and expressively depicts an open prairie during the night.

Cormac McCarthy's figurative-language-heavy introduction to Blood Meridian balances both an earthy grittiness and an elevated vocabulary as McCarthy describes the surroundings.

Dostoevsky's course, grating diction highlights his wrathful Russian background. He refers to an apartment as a "garret in which he lodged" and transitions with phrases like "quite the contrary."

Dissimilare to Stardust, Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian demonstrates a thorough understanding of classy, picturesque language.

The reason I picked these excerts was that I thought that they were all the most credible sounding sentences. They were also some of the only ones I could find, maybe not everyone labeled their's under a style mapping title, even so these were some of the only ones I could find.

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