Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Currently and Quiz Reaction

Sentences of the Week

I was supposed to be at peace, or merging with the holy light, or in line for my next turn on the roller coaster, or maybe burning in an oven equipped with a stereo that played nothing but Manilow (Ghost Story.)

Clarence Potter walked through the streets of Charleston, South Carolina, like a man caught in a city occupied by the enemy (The Center Cannot Hold)

These are my favorite sentences because one embodies the weakness of expecting something that we have no idea about. The other shows just how being different can isolate you even in your own home town.

The personality quiz was right on some points like that I take a long time to make a decision and that I like to know the background of  things before charging in. However I disagree on the idea that I have a domineering personality. I've taken many of these things before and they all say about the same thing. So maybe its me thinking wrong about my own personality. Thoughts anyone?

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