Thursday, October 13, 2011

Animal Farm

Well the book I chose to read this week was Animal Farm. I have to say that for such a short book, it was a really interesting and thought provoking read. Portraying the Russian Revolution and subsequent events as a revolt of farm animals against their human overlords was a very radical and just plain weird idea. I have to say though that for all its weirdness, it succeeds in showing the weakness and the corruption that can happen to anyone or in this book anything. The conversion of the pigs from animals to their almost human-like caricatures is one of the books major points, as the animals become just like the humans who they overthrew. The passivity with which the other animals accept this change is also startling. No matter what Napoleon, the leader of the pigs does, the other animals accept it since it seems better than it was under human rule, even when the two situations become nearly the same. Their great Utopia where all animals are equal and humans are not allowed, becomes indistinguishable from before, the only change is who rules. Animal Farm, a short read, numbering only 112 pages, is a book that everyone should read.

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